This post is not for the weak of heart. You have been warned.

Mentors have a way of telling you the things you need to hear. In recent days one of my mentors said something to me that might as well have been a kick to the groin. "If you are not using your God given talents and abilities to their full potential, you are being a disgrace to your Creator."


What would I be capable of doing if I was disciplined enough to use what I have been given to it's maximum potential? I cannot even remember the last time I put considerable amounts of engery and time towards honing and using what and who I am. I am not wasting my time and gifts. I have been wasting God's. Can you imagine making a feast for a man who is starving, and instead of eating it, he just plays with it or gives it to the pigs?

God has given me more than I deserve. I have not used those gifts to their potential. I know I'm not the only one. Rise up brothers and sisters. Do what you know you can, including keeping me accountable and let's use what God has given.
Yvonne Brassat
7/31/2012 02:00:42 pm

Wow! I'm at a loss of words right now.
I think, unfortunately everyone of us needs a wake up call like this every once in a while, not just you!

ryan marken
7/31/2012 05:29:44 pm

Love it Duncan. Powerful stuff.

8/1/2012 01:53:49 pm

Powerful stuff Duncan. Thanks for pushing us to be better and to glorify our creator.


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