  After a seven day trip to Joplin, Missouri, a place where nature took a turn for the worse, I see a great need for healing. It is clear through simple observation that the landscape in Joplin still needs work. But it was not buildings, landscape, or even my iPhone that took a plunge in the pool that broke my heart. It was the stories of the teens throughout the week that have had spiritual and emotional tornados wreaking havoc on the landscape of their hearts and minds. 
    The stories that were told were not uncommon. What hurt the most was the amount. They include teens caught in the middle of a messy divorce, fighting families, deep confusing faith questions, and even looming doctor appointments with testing for cancer. I have never so strongly felt what Paul talks about in I Corinthians 12:26 in reference to the Body of Christ, "If one part suffers, every part suffers with it;" as I did this past week. My heart is broken.
    The story doesn't end there, in brokenness. The story didn't end for my iPhone when I went swimming with it. The best is yet to come. Healing is great, but it still leaves scars. He (Jesus) makes all things NEW. New houses, businesses and buildings were rising all around Joplin. Teenager's hearts were being renewed each night. And yes, I will be getting a new phone soon. But even better than that is the fact that one day we can have a new body, a new heaven, and a new earth. This earthly brokenness will come to an end. We won't need beams and constant construction to hold up our faith like the cross above. We are new in Christ, strong, and a force for good. Brokenness is merely an opportunity for something new. Who doesn't like getting something new?!

7/25/2012 02:41:08 am

Thank you Duncan for sharing your life with our youth and church family. The suffering and loss can be used for used to the glory of God then it is all worthwhile.


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